Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's been awhile...

And for good reason!

In the last two weeks we have dealt with...

An ER visit on Halloween for Jackson
Five teeth coming in
Daylight saving switch
A concert with cousins
Planning our extended stay in Colorado (3 weeks!)
Very, very stressful & long work days
Hosting 11 family members for a pre-thanksgiving
A severe cold for me that has taken over a week to overcome

I'm going to be cliche and say, "I can't BELIEVE Thanksgiving is less than a week away!" Okay, I got it out of the way.

But all of this has not stopped us from taking pictures and enjoying the sweet little milestones of our man. I'll save the list of awesome accomplishments for his 10 month post next week.

We celebrated my dad's 55th birthday with a nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory & the tree lighting at Fashion Island, which included a visit from Mickey Mouse from Disneyland. Of course, I was all on board for this. Here are a few photos of our time.

I also have to log the photos of our first trip to the ER. Jackson came down with a serious case of the croup at 11:30 pm Halloween eve. Being first time parents and not knowing what croup was, we rushed to the ER due to Jackson having labored breathing and a 103 degree temperature. After some very difficult days and teething at the same time, we are now (almost) completely healthy. Thank you Lord for my husband & my parents during this time as I almost fell apart working and taking care of him.

At the ER.

Halloween Day. No dressing up. 

My Sweet, Sick boy. 

I'll finish this with a couple of pictures from the Halloween event at church right before Jackson got sick. 

One with Carson, a friend from MOPS, and one of Jack and I. It was so hot that day! Almost 100 degrees. So we improvised his costume a bit. Yay SoCal.

My sweet little Jack-O-Latern

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