'Tis the season to be insanely busy. I'm taking a moment to breathe. Usually when I take moments to breathe, I sleep. So, this is a rarity.
We leave for Colorado this week for sometime. Our time there is already booked with family and friend visits. We are also looking forward to some down time, and maybe a date or two!
We got some photos taken for our Christmas pictures. So, I must post those first.
Jackson is 21 months. William is 2 1/2 months.
Our Thanksgiving was amazing. We had my Dad's side of the family from San Diego Come up. Mike, Mandy, their two littles, Abby and Cody. Along with Aunt Linda, Uncle John, and our dear friends Susan, Craig, Eric & Emily. It was filled with so much laughter and good food.
Jackson and Abby get along famously. It was the first name he learned outside of Mommy & Daddy. He asks about her all the time, and misses her when she's not around.
They are two peas in a pod I tell ya.
William is also 4 months old, already! He's so amazing. He is obsessed with his feet, smiles and giggles, doesn't talk too much, and overall has a very calm & sweet demeanor. Above is a pic of Will & Jack at 4 months (Will on the left, Jack on the right). So fun to compare! He's such a darling little baby that loves people and loves to be a part of the day. He is obsessed with being held and likes to sit in his gumbo and play with toys on the tray.
Sweet Will during tummy time.
He went through a phase of waking up every 45 minutes at night. It was truly awful and I was getting extremely frustrated with how little sleep I was getting. So, we tried cry-it-out ( a bit earlier than we did with Jack). It did not go well at all. He would wake up every 45 minutes through the whole night, and cry for up to an hour. It was so terrible. By about 4 am he was hoarse (we started him around 7pm). I felt like the worst parent ever, brought him into our room and co-slept, which I never have done. So, he's back to sleeping next to us.
So, we're in a phase of learning how to sleep past the dreadful "40 minutes." The biggest difference between him and Jack was that he doesn't have an issue falling asleep, he just always wakes up, and screams! (Whether it's nap or at night.) I have found that the better, deeper/longer naps he takes during the day, the better he is at night. Ideally, it would be (3) 1 1/2 hour naps a day, but since I have a toddler & a life, that doesn't always work that way. (Plus, sometimes he wakes up!) so, if that is the case I just put him down around 6pm. So, this seems to be working all right. I am praying for patience to figure out what he needs to keep everyone happy and to help him learn to sleep independently. I always feel so neglectful during this stage. I hate it!
Okay, moving on.
Random: Aaron gave Jack a hair cut. Haha.
Because I have NO pictures of this one sleeping anymore, I snuck in when he was wearing footy pajamas to bed. He's so darling.
Grampy and his buddy on his birthday.
We went to Jack (& Will's ) first movie! Will slept the whole time, so I don't really count that. But Jack LOVED it. We went and saw "Frozen." It was absolutely adorable and so so much fun!
My mom cut off Will's head taking the picture. What a doof.
Playing in the rain in our jammies.
My precious, littlest love.
I am hoping to update while we are in Colorado for Will's 5 month & our Christmas fun. So much to enjoy. These truly are the most previous days of life.