But I could also blame it on the fact that every day we are doing something. I mean, every day.
Jackson is not a homebody. I'm not sure if I engrained this in him or this is just how he is, but we are just never home for more than two or three hours while he's awake. Whether it's a simple walk to the park or a trip to Disneyland, it's always something.
I'll start with sweet Jackson and his updates, while I'm on the subject. He's learned more and more words these days, particularly: balloon, Donald (from Mickey Mouse, of course) more, brother, grammy, and others that I'm sure I've forgotten. He went through a whiny phase to ask for something that he wanted. Aaron thought of a great concept to ask him to "use his words" to get what he wanted. We tried to teach him "up" & "more" to get what he was asking for, which he has successfully picked up on. Now he must "use his words" instead of whining to get what he wants. It's been awesomely helpful, and has made me realize, once again, how impressionable these little human beings are!
Jackson is such a sweet love. He's got crazy amounts of energy most of the time, but also loves to concentrate on certain tasks like building blocks, doing puzzles, or shape sorting. I'm trying to now work on colors & shapes for him to learn the words.
Taking him to Disneyland is more and more fun. We go with friends or by ourselves. He LOVES the Disney Junior Live show. It is so fun to watch him start to interact during the show with the performers. I adore it just as much as he does.
William is doing amazing. He is smiling and laughing all the time. He seems to be a calmer baby that Jackson was, although I can't tell if that's just because I'm more relaxed on handling him. He sleeps consistently at night from 10-5, feeds, then back to sleep till about 6:30-7. He's really into swaddling, and he also loves the carrier that I have for him when we are out. He hates the car seat, and just screams the entire ride, which is so awful. But when he's awake he's very calm and smily until he needs to go back down for a nap. He's very much on the "eat-play-sleep" schedule daily, so it's never a question to know what he needs. This has helped so much in being able to handle both babes easily, and enjoy them both so much.
Life is in a really good stride, I truly am enjoying each stage the boys are in so much.
MOPS has started up again, and I am so excited for what this fall will bring. I am a table leader this year, which is more of a commitment but so wonderful at the same time. We have a great table and I'm leading with a dear friend, Jill. Hopefully we will take lots of pictures on our play dates!
"The days are long, but the years are so short." I heard at MOPS. So true.
Okay, enough words, more pictures.
Trip to Disney with buddies and strollers.
He looks like such a old dude when he gets a haircut.
All smiles!
Bath time!
Sweetness: photo credit to Poppy!
Running around outside on our upstairs deck. Photo credit again, to Poppy!
I have to take more pictures. So hard when you have your hands full with two lil buggers around town. But I'll give it a shot.
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